This isn't a recipe, but I wanted to share a great kitchen purchase with you guys. After 13 years of marriage, my saute pans had worn out. In fact, they were long past worn out. I decided to purchase some new ones. I wanted something that would cook omelettes, frittatas, and also work for sauces and other foods too. A little over a year ago, I bought these off of amazon for less than $30 for the pair, and I love them! I use them almost every day.
I love making omelettes for breakfast using vegetables from the night before, or whatever suits my fancy that morning. These pans connect and flip so that both sides of the omelette get cooked. I like to add some cheese (and sometimes guacamole) to the middle and fold one side over the other, and I get truly beautiful, delicious omelettes. Food cooks really nicely and evenly in these pans, so I use the pans for many recipes.